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Extended Scope Practitioners

  • Emma Bamford

    Emma Bamford – BSc (Hons), MSc Rehabilitation Science

    Emma qualified as a physiotherapist in 2006 and gained experience working in musculoskeletal outpatients, orthopaedics and elderly care before specialising in hand therapy in 2007. She has worked in the Pulvertaft Hand Centre since 2008.

    Emma has a keen interest in treating patients with acute traumatic injuries, such complex fractures and tendon injuries. She is able to utilise her advanced physiotherapeutic knowledge and splinting skills to achieve the optimal outcome for these patients. Emma is involved in teaching on the BAHT level 1 course held at the hand unit, and is in the process of working towards gaining accredited hand therapy status. Emma also has a keen interest in research and spent 2 years working in the research team, working on projects investigating the use of acupuncture for CMCJ arthritis and also looking at the use of splints for the treatment of the cubital tunnel syndrome.


  • Helen McKenna

    Helen McKenna – Diploma in Occupational Therapy, Diploma in Hand Therapy

    Helen trained at Derby School of Occupational Therapy and specialised in Hand Therapy at Queen’s Medical Centre, Nottingham for 12 years before joining the Pulvertaft Hand Centre in 2001.

    She has been an Extended Scope Practitioner since 2006, running an A&E, post –operative and GP referral based clinics, as well as a satellite clinic for hand patients in Derby. Helen undertook the Nottingham MSc module which enables her to perform injections.

    She lectures regularly on Pulvertaft Hand Centre courses as well as national courses. She has been an advisor and designer of splints for Promedics and her main areas of interest are Mallet injuries and OA 1st CMC joint.