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Pulvertaft Hand Charity

A Trust Fund that is independent of the Health Service and Derby Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust. It is registered with the Charities Commission.

The need

Loss of use of the hands through injury or disease is very common. It often leaves people unable to work and forces them to be dependent on friends or relatives.

The Pulvertaft Hand Charity generates funds to study hand injuries and diseases and to improve treatment so that patients remain disabled for as short a time as possible and obtain the very best results.

The hand is full of delicate specialised tissues which are easily damaged by injury or disease. Nerves, tendons, blood vessels, skin, bone and joints all create their own particular difficulties for doctors, occupational therapists and physiotherapists who care for the hand. Many of these areas are not well researched at present.

Your donation would help us:

  • to strengthen Hand Therapy skills

The Pulvertaft Hand Charity supports local and national training courses for Derby hand therapists, which encourages personal development and improved patient care. Local therapists and surgeons have also developed the first postgraduate qualification in hand therapy in the United Kingdom. The MSc in Hand Therapy is raising the level of knowledge and skills of therapists for the benefit of patients. Our Trust Funds also pay for therapy research sessions.

  • to train more Hand Surgeons

At present there are only approximately 40 full-time hand surgeons in the United Kingdom, although there are very many patients who would benefit from such specialist knowledge. The Pulvertaft Hand Charity encourages work with international hand centres abroad to strengthen training and research in hand surgery in the United Kingdom. The Appeal promotes increased numbers of better trained hand surgeons through courses and distance learning. Our Trust Funds also pay for research registrar time.

  • to reduce injuries caused by work

Many patients consider their work has been responsible for the development of hand problems. The area is not well researched and poor work place design still causes some upper limb problems. The charity supports research in these areas with Occupational Therapists specialising in the ergonomics of the workplace, visiting local industry to minimise hazard for employees.

  • to improve quality of care and value for money

Government and other purchasers of health care need to know the value of hospital treatment. At present there are few reliable measures of the quality or cost effectiveness of hand surgery. The Pulvertaft Hand Charity supports study of these areas so that patients are offered the optimal procedures.

Hand surgery in Derby

An International Reputation

Derby is fortunate in having a large, well recognised hand surgery service. The city has one of the largest hand surgery departments in the United Kingdom. It attracts trainee surgeons from many countries. A visiting professorship was established in 1996 with the University of Derby and the academic unit has developed steadily with widespread research and audit projects. Research projects are currently taking place in collaboration with prestigious hand centres in the United States.

Derby hand surgeons treat over 8000 new patients with hand problems each year. Many require operations (approximately 4278 annually).

Your donations will help fund the research which is so vital to achieving better recovery and a more fulfilling life for many thousands of people with hand problems.

The Pulvertaft Hand Charity is a local research fund, which is registered with the Charities Commission. The appeal fund supports training and research into the best possible recovery from hand injury and disease.

If you wish to make a donation, please send a cheque made out to “Pulvertaft Hand Charity”, c/o Hand Unit Research, KTC level 2, Royal Derby Hospital, Derby, DE22 3NE.

Those wishing to take out Covenants to the Charity become members of the Friends of the Pulvertaft Hand Charity and will receive updates on progress of the research and training work within the department.

For additional information or covenant forms please contact us at the above address or by Telephone: 01332 787491

The Pulvertaft Hand Charity

Charities Commission Registration Number : 1090471

This is a charitable fund which has been established by Derby Hand Surgeons and local solicitors to facilitate training and research in hand therapy and hand surgery.