Tim Cresswell was appointed to Derby to work within the Pulvertaft Hand Centre and the Trauma and Orthopaedic Unit as an Upper Limb and Hand Surgeon. Tim trained in Sheffield and did Fellowships in Cape Town, South Africa, in Derby at the Pulvertaft Hand Centre and in the USA, where he did an Upper Limb AO Trauma Fellowship.
Tim has an interest in wrist and hand trauma as well as shoulder instability and elbow replacement.
He has lectured on the local Derby courses and teaches widely in Europe on shoulder and elbow surgery.
Mr Cresswell’s publications and presentations include carpal tunnel revision, wrist fractures, total elbow replacement, shoulder instability with bone loss, the Latarjet Procedure, upper limb climbing injuries, AC joint dislocation and others.
Please contact him via tim.cresswell@nhs.net or via his secretary, Chris on 01332-785252 (Hands) or Diane Mallinson on 01332-787560 (Orthopaedics).